Aden, Yemen booked.net

In his meeting with the Chamber of Shipping Leadership...Amzarba emphasis on the importance of cooperation between the port and representatives of the shipping lines

March 4, 2021

Dr. Muhammad Alawi Amzarbah, the Exective Chairman of YGAPC, met with his deputy, Engineer / Abdulrab Jaber Al-Khulaqi in his office on Wednesday morning 3/3/2021  with the new leadership of the chamber of shipping in Aden represented by Mr. Talib Saleem in the presence of  Mr. Ali Mukhdari and Mr. Rifaat Yassin to discuss joint cooperation between The two parties.
In the meeting, the Chamber’s leadership discussed a number of challenges facing its work in the port and raised some inquiries about the port’s plans to enhance its capacity to handle ships and cargo due to the increased demand for them. Amzarbah had explained in detail the development plans undertaken by the port, whether from purchasing new equipment or replacing old ones and carrying out maintenance for those that operate. He also stressed the need for members of the Chamber, including shipping agents, to communicate with international shipping lines, ship owners and operators, about the port's efforts to serve them, and that it is is fully prepared to meet their requests.
At the end of the meeting, the two parties agreed to hold such meetings on an ongoing basis to identify the challenges they face and ways to address them to enhance the port's reputation and improve the services provided.

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