Aden, Yemen booked.net

To discuss Investment Opportunities at the Port British Ambassador Visits the Port of Aden

October 21, 2012

Captain Sami Saeed Farea Executive Chairman, Chairman of the Board of Directors has received in his office at the Headquarters in the Corporation this morning 21st of October 2012, the British Ambassador of the Embassy of the United Kingdom Mr / Nicolas Hopton and Mr. Robert Welson, the Political Consultant of the Embassy

. During the meeting, the Executive Chairman, has reviewed aspects of trade and economic cooperation and investment between the two countries .. explaining the important strategic location of the Port of Aden and its various advantages as its close position to the international shipping route , stressing that the government is seeking to develop infrastructure of the Port to regain its former position among International Ports to become a hub and a regional Center for transshipment business. Accordingly, the implementation of the 400 meters expansion project of the container berth length, has extreme intention and determination by the Yemeni government and the corporation as well , confirming that in terms of security, the Port of Aden is consistent with security requirements and holds a certificate of compliance with the international ISPS CODE. For his part, the British Ambassador praised the services and facilities provided by the Port of Aden, and pointed out that the British companies show great interest to participate in the future investments in the Port. After souvenirs were exchanged between the two sides, the delegation accompanied by the Executive Chairman visited Malla’a Wharves.

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