Aden, Yemen booked.net

The British DFID Consultants visit the Port of Aden

November 11, 2012

Captain Sami Saeed Farea, Executive Chairman of the Corporation Chairman of the Board, has met Mr. Thomas Allen, the Economical consultant and Mr. Dani Shaiman, the Governmental consultant who represent the British DFID (Department for International Development).

During the meeting, the Chairman welcomed the consultants and the delegation reviewing the developments and updates that are taking place in the Port of Aden, after terminating the lease agreement with DP World, aimed at regaining its leading position as a major hub Port for transhipment and transit trade in the region and the world for its close position to the international shipping route as well as the advantages and the facilities provided by the Port to its clients.

For their part, the British Consultants expressed their definite interest in developing Yemen and particularly the Port of Aden through the donor countries.

At the end of the meeting souvenirs were exchanged between the Executive Chairman and the British Consultants.

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