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High-ranking British economic delegation visits Aden Container Terminal

July 13, 2023

On Thursday morning, July 13, 2023, Eng/ Abdulrab JaberAl-Khulaqi, Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors of Aden Ports Development Company, received Mr. Alexander Petka, Head of the Economic Recovery Team at the UK Embassy in Yemen, and his accompanying delegation.
In the meeting, which was attended by many officials and senior businessmen of Aden governorate, and representatives of shipping lines agents, many issues related to the economic recovery process of the governorate were discussed.
The meeting included standing up to the challenges and difficulties faced by businessmen, issues of entry permits for ships to the port, lists of cargo that are prohibited to be imported, insurance against risks, closure of main roads, levies, double customs collection, including the customs riyal, and problems of banks …
On his part, Eng./ Abdulrab Al-Khulaqi expressed his great pleasure and the company’s senior leadership represented by Dr. Muhammad Alawi Amzerbah, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the company, Mr. Aref Hassan Al-Sha’bi, Executive General Manager of the company, and his Deputy Mr. Fadl Al-Hujaili, with that visit, describing it as valuable and of importance to the governorate of Aden and its economy.
Attending the meeting from the British side:
Ms. Victoria Claire James, Senior Economist, Ms. Laila Anaam, Economics and Private Sector Consultant, and Ms. Natasha Bolger, Research Analyst.
The Yemeni Side from Aden Container Terminal, Mr. Jamal Muhammad AbdoRabbo, Senior Director of Operations Department, Mr. Halim Saeed Sabri, Director of Health, Safety and Environment Department, Mr. Alaa Makki, Deputy Director of Terminal Security, and a number of department officials and shift managers.
And from the Chamber of Commerce, Mr. Abu Bakr Baabeed, Chairman of  Chamber of Commerce in Aden Governorate, Sheikh Muhammad Ali Al-Mansab, and Mr. Talaat Abdulaziz.
The shipping lines were represented by Mr. Maven of  Tihama Shipping Company, Mr. Osama Al-Barzi representing Al-Halal Shipping Company, and Mr. Nafea Rashid Mukred, Director of  Gulf of Aden Terminal in  Hayel Saeed Anam Group of Companies.


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