Aden, Yemen booked.net

UNODC team makes an assessment visit to the port of Aden

July 5, 2021

Captain/ Ahmed Al-Bishi, Deputy Director of Marine Operations (Acting Port Officer), received Yesterday morning, Sunday 4/7/2021, in his office the team of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) Mr. Omar Al-Odat, a specialist in maritime security, and Engineer. Hazem Al-Habashneh a specialist in marine communication systems.. The details of the work of the Marine Operations department were discussed, which is the most important facility in the port, as it arranges the entry and exit of ships and takes all what is necesary to secure and safe ships and maintain the port facilities.

The visitors evaluated the security situation in this department and the requirements for strengthening it to ensure the port of Aden's compliance with the International Code of Ship and Port Facility Security (ISPS Code). It is noteworthy that UNODC is rehabilitating the Coast Guard and strengthening it with equipment and devices, in addition to conducting a large number of training and rehabilitation process for its personnel, as well as the employees of Aden ports.
The International Maritime Organization (IMO) had launched a major project funded by the European Union to enhance the maritime security of the countries bordering the Red Sea, in partnership with this Office and Interpol.
After the visit to the operations building and the Pilot's Jetty, the delegation made a sea tour to get acquainted with the port's facilities, including the Ma'alla port, the Container terminal and the Oil Harbour.

The meeting was attended by Eng. Zaki Abdel Razzaq (Head of Communications Department at the port), Eng. Adel Al-Hajj (Director of Information Department), Captain/ Abdul Salam (from the Marine Department) and Captain/ Riyad Bajaman (from Maritime Affairs).
Tomorrow the team will visit of Ma'alla port and Aden Container Terminal.

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