Aden, Yemen booked.net

The First Deputy Chairman of YGAPC restores movement and activity to the Technical Department

June 19, 2014

The First Deputy Chairman of YGAPC Mr. / A’mer Al-Zaouri has paid this Thursday morning, June 19, 2014 a field visit to the Main Slipway at the Technical Dept.

where he was briefed on the maintenance work carried out for the machines, boats and listened to the engineers and workers who are responsible for the maintenance of the tug "Wadi Hateeb" and directed them to finish the tug maintenance to bring it back to service as soon as possible.

The visit included the spare parts warehouses where he inspected the stores and met with the specialists there and listened to the difficulties that obstruct their work.

It is worth mentioning that this is the second visit for the First Deputy to the Technical Dept. after regaining movement and activity due to his directions at his first visit to provide all the needs required by all the Department divisions and also provide spare parts for the machines and equipments that stopped working, and the tug "Wadi Hateeb" comes at the forefront.

On the other hand, the new crane for the work boat “Dunafa” has arrived today. The crane came after long negotiations with "Damen" Company, the Dutch manufacturer of the work boat "Dunafa" which started in 2011 and ended with the acceptance of the Company for all the conditions and demands of the Corporation to replace the old crane with a new one according to the agreed specifications in the contract signed between the Corporation and the Company on the second of August 2009, due to a manufacturers defect in the old crane.

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