Aden, Yemen booked.net


Aden has historically provided ship bunkering services.  For much of its history bunkering was the main source of port business. With the construction of Ma'alla Terminal, Aden Container Terminal and Aden Gulf Terminal its main business is now cargo handling. However, Aden continues to provide ship bunkering at two dolphins on the south side of the harbour, berths 6 In and 6 Out. These have a depth alongside of 11.0m below chart datum and are operated by the Ports Corporation and Aden Bunkering Department, a branch of the Aden Refinery Company. Berths 6 In and 6 Out are connected by pipeline to shore storage tanks for various grades of ships’ fuel oil.


On the north side of the inner harbour, Dolphin berth 7 is operated by the Arabian Investment, Manufacturing and Trading Company (AIMT). This berth is connected by a bundle of pipelines to oil storage tanks ENE of berth 7. These are used for oil storage and oil blending to meet customers’ demand. Bulk oil is imported and exported via the dolphin using tankers of up to 40,000 TDW.

Aden Inner Harbour Bunker and Buoy Berths

Ships and other craft, such as large barges, crane barges etc., can moor at buoy berths in the harbour. Two berths, 5 In and 5 Out, with a minimum depth of 11.4m below chart datum, are situated on the north side of the inner harbour. On the south side of the harbour, inside the breakwater, are berths 1B, 1A, and 1 In.  Berth 1B is obstructed by a wreck. Buoys T4, T5 and T6 are used by Corporation tugs. North and east of the Yemeni Navy Pier are berths 4 In and 4 Out. East of Flint Island are berths 8 In and 8 Out. Depths at these berths are generally between 5 and 9m below chart datum. Ships calling for bunkers and oil import/export at the dolphin and buoy berths are handled by Ports Corporation pilots, tugs and mooring boats.


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