Aden, Yemen booked.net

A Russian Delegation Visits the Port of Aden

December 10, 2014

The Deputy Chairman at YGAPC Eng. Abdulla Moh’d Fudhail and Eng. Mohammed A. Wasa, the General Manager of Aden Port Company for Ports Developments have met on Tues 09/12/2014 a Russian Delegation

headed by the Deputy Minister of Information and Communications of the Russian Federation Mr. Alexei Fulin

At the meeting, Eng. / Abdullah Fudhail welcomed the delegation and his companions and reviewed the activities and services provided by the Corporation as well as the investment projects clarifying the requirements for activating the Port of Aden.

For his part, Mr. Alexei Fulin stressed that Russia is interested in establishing a huge investment for a number of its companies in Aden in various fields.

He said: "It is possible to open the door to Yemeni banks to exploit their assets in Russian banks, and this will facilitate the process of economic and trade cooperation between Yemen and Russia in the future mentioning the great efforts to complete the twinning agreement between the cities of Aden and St. Petersburg.

At the end of the meeting, the Deputy Chairman accompanied the Russian delegation to visit Ma’alla Wharves and briefed them on the progress of work in the terminal and the most important requirements needed to promote the economic development role of the Port.

The meeting was attended by the Undersecretary of Aden Governorate for directorates affairs Mr./ Naif Al-Bakri and the Undersecretary of the Ministry of Planning and International Cooperation Mr. / Khalid Abdul Wahid and the Russian ambassador in Yemen Mr. / Vladimir Didoshkin.

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