Aden, Yemen booked.net

Aden Container Terminal receives three commercial ships at a time

December 26, 2015

In the continuity of Aden Container Terminal to go forward in providing its sustained services around the clock to receive commercial container ships and the provision of other services for local traders and ship owners arriving the terminal since

since the liberation of the city of Aden, the terminal has received yesterday three commercial ships at a time, which could not be done with such arrangement and success even in the pre-war period, thanks to the sincere efforts of the terminal management and all the working groups and technicians at the terminal who were able to pass all the difficulties and obstacles that affect the performance and effectiveness of the terminal operation. It also represents in the current situation and conditions, experienced by the country and Aden especially ,a model of successful vital and services facilities that has given special importance in maintaining its basic assets such as equipments and infrastructure during the war and began to do the expansion of the storage areas to accommodate the current and expected business activity in the near future and ensuring the provision of required services and facilities for shipping lines and other port customers and users.

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