Aden, Yemen booked.net

The National Army Takes Over the Protection of Aden Container Terminal

January 1, 2016

The National Army, which has been trained at the base of (Assab) took over the task of protecting the Port of Aden on Wednesday 30/12/2015 under the supervision of the Governor of Aden Brigadier / Aidroos Al-Zubaidi. The Executive Chairman of YGAPC,

Chairman of the Board of Directors, Mr. / Mohammed Alawi Omzarbah has clarified that the National Army task to protect the container terminal came after an agreement with the members of the resistance, who took over the protection of the port during the previous months.The Executive Chairman explained that the hand over process was under a personal supervision of the Governor of Aden and under the guidance of the President of the Republic, Abed Rabbo Mansoor Hadi and in coordination with the leadership of the coalition forces.He said that the existence of a specialized military force command would reflect a positive reputation for the port and reduce security premiums rates posed by international shipping lines.The Executive Chairman expressed his thanks to all members of the resistance who had protected the port during the war

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