Aden, Yemen booked.net

UNDP Resident Representative in Yemen conducts a field and sea visit to the Port of Aden

March 28, 2020

The Resident Representative of the UNDP in Yemen, Mr. Auke Lootsma visited the Technical Workshop and the Ship Control Office (Control Tower) to look closely at the extent of the damage that occurred in these two important facilities in the port.

The Resident Representative of the UNDP in Yemen, Mr. Auke Lootsma, with the Ms. Salma Al-Hajj, the Director of the Program Office in Aden, and Mr. Won Hyuk, Project Specialist in the Program, visited the Technical Workshop and the Ship Control Office (Control Tower) to look closely at the extent of the damage that occurred in these two important facilities in the port. The Technical Workshop is considered the main pillar in keeping the port facilities and utilities under readiness, including the marine floating crafts that serve the visiting ships. The visit included the Control Tower, which is considered the cornerstone of any port, as it regulates the movement of entry and exit of ships and ensuring their navigation safety. The delegation discussed with Engineer/ Abdulrab Al-Khulaqui (Deputy Executive Chairman) who accompanied them on the visit the challenges facing the Corporation in ensuring that port services remain available to visiting ships and the need to implement quick projects to raise the port's capacity to serve ships. For their part, the guests were amazed at the size of the port and the large range of services that could be provided in the Port of Aden, confirming that the maritime visit that included the inner harbour, Ma'alla Port and Aden Container Terminal strengthened their knowledge of the reasons for the port’s emergence as one of the most important international ports in the golden age of the port.

This visit was arranged after correspondence between the Port and the Program under the supervision of the Ministry of Planning and International Cooperation to urge the program to provide assistance to the port, where Dr. Mohamed Alawi Amzerba (Executive Chairman) stressed the necessity of conducting the field visit to find out the extent of the damage that occurred in the port facilities and what efforts the port administration did to keep services available for visiting ships.


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