Aden, Yemen booked.net

In his meeting with the Engineers Syndicate ... Amzarba welcomes the Syndicate’s participation in the port's engineering work

February 7, 2021

Dr. Muhammad Alawi Amzarbah, Executive Chairman of Yemen Gulf of Aden Ports Corporation, met in his office this morning, Sunday 7/2/2021, a group of Aden engineers headed by Eng. Abdulrahman Hassan Al-Busairi, Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Yemeni Engineers Syndicate, Aden Branch, and Engineer / Kutbi Omar Kutbi, Director of Tawahi Directorate .

This exceptional visit comes in appreciation of this port, which is considered to be Aden, and Aden is the port, and because the Corporation contains a large number of engineers in various disciplines that you hardly find in one organisation.

The Chairman of the Corporation explained in details the port’s excellent commercial activity these days despite the obstacles and challenges that it faces, whether due to high marine insurance premiums or inspection procedures, in addition to the hike in ocean freight rate caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.

For his part, Eng. Abdul-Rahman expressed his readiness to contribute to providing engineering advice to the port in its current or future engineering works.

It was agreed at the end of the meeting to register the port’s current engineering staff. In this regard, the registration form for the membership of the Syndicate was distributed. In the coming days, a harbour tour will be arranged for the engineers to get to know the port facilities.

The meeting was attended by Eng. Abdulrab Jaber Al-Khulaqui, Deputy Chairman and Captain/ Ahmed Al-Bishi, Deputy Director of Maritime Operations, and from the Syndicate’s side, Dr. Shehab Al-Qadhi, Eng. Tariq Abdo Ali, Eng. Omar Khamis, Eng. Jaafar Hindi Al-Saqqaf and Eng. Jaafar Ali Abdullah.

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