Aden, Yemen booked.net

YGAPC leadership meets the country director of the World Food Program

January 31, 2022

Dr. Mohammad Alawi Amzerba, the Executive Chairman of YGAPC, met today at the Corporation's Head office with the country director of the United Nations World Food Program (WFP), Mr. Lauran Bokera, in Aden.

During the friendly meeting, the Exective Chairman and his deputy, Eng. Abdulrab Jaber al-Khulaqi, discussed many issues related to regulating the relationship and joint cooperation between the Corporation and the Program in order to facilitate the delivery of relief and humanitarian assistance.
During the meeting, the Chairman praised the efforts of the program and its humanitarian projects provided to our country, as well as its assistance and support to the Port of Aden by providing the equipments that were received from them, as the World Food Program is considered the most organization that has provided support to the Port until this moment, stressing at the same time the Corporation's readiness to provide all facilities and overcome any difficulties to ensures that the World Food Program performs its relief and humanitarian missions.
For his part, the Director of the World Food Program Office praised the cooperation and facilities that the program enjoyed in the port of Aden, where their ships are given priority in berthing at the port.
At the end of the meeting, the Executive Chairman and his deputy, bid Mr. Lauran Bokera farewell on the ocasion of his tenure in yemen and to convey their greetings and wishes to his successor in the position to continue cooperating and working at the same pace and continuing to provide support to the port.

The meeting was attended by the Program Officer of the Food Program, Mr. Anthony Sabiti, and the Director of Supply Chain for the Program, Dr. Al-Saeed Ahmed.

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