Aden, Yemen booked.net

Training: Conducting Effective Ship/Port Interface

September 28, 2022

On September 18th and 21st, the UNODC completed training for 63 port personnel from the Aden Container Terminal on “Conducting Effective Ship/Port Interface”.  The session consisted of classroom sessions and group work and familiarization of all documents required to be handed over to the port by the Ship Security Officer and also the completion of the port checklist by the Ship Security Officer to track activities of vessels whilst in Port.


On 20th September 2022, the Port Security Team conducted its 1st every Ship/Port Interface to be done at the Aden Container Terminal with the boarding of Motor Vessel Hera, they were supported by UNODC’s Port Security Experts and members of the Operations & Safety Department.  They were joined on board by the Master & Ship Security Officer, Ship’s Agent, Immigration Department and a Ship Chandler.


On September 27th and 28th, 2022 36 staff members at the Ma’aala Wharf completed a two-day training workshop on Conducting Effective Ship/Port Interface.  Among the staff members were crane operators, truck operators, operations personnel, workshop, safety, customs, media and police personnel who work at the wharf.

 The training areas covered are as follows:
 What is Ship/Port Interface?
 Maritime Security Levels Explained?
 The ISPS Code
 Declaration of Security
 Boarding Personnel
 Health Clearance
 Documentation used in Ship Port Interface
 Maritime Security Threats
 Crew List
 Passenger List
 Ports of Call Listing
 Ship/Port Interface Document to include Checklist 

The participants were enthusiastic, engaging and were extreme grateful for the training given.  There was a group quick section distributed among 5 groups with a mixture of persons from different departments within each group to ensure the spirit of cooperation is maintained.

At the end of the session all participants formed the Chain of Cooperation among themselves which serves as a commitment to ensure they work together at all times for the benefit of their security and safety and that of the terminal.

The training was facilitated by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) through the Global Maritime Crime Programme.  The training was delivered by Port Security Experts Francine Staple and Jakeene Campbell assisting.  Translation was done by Aymen Gamal and Coordination was done through Mr. Munir Pravin Maratha from Operations and Mr. Khaled Moh’d Ali from the Safety Department, the success of the training session was due to the expert coordination of these personnel.


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