Aden, Yemen booked.net

Upcoming cooperation between YGAPC and the Ports Training Institute

October 12, 2022

On Wednesday morning, October 12, 2022, the Ports Training Institute of the Arab Academy received Dr. Muhammad Alawi Amrazba, The Executive Chairman of the Board of Directors of YGAPC  Aden Ports Development Company in the Republic of Yemen and his accompanying delegation, where he was received by Prof. Dr. Alaa Mahmoud Morsi, Dean of the Institute and a number of officials at the Institute.
The delegation was escorted to the meeting room, where a documentary film about the Institute was shown. The Dean of the Institute presented a presentation on the Institute’s role in training and qualifying workers in the maritime and ports field in Egypt and the Arab region. Dr. Mohamed Bahnasy, Director of the Planning, Follow-up and Performance Evaluation Department, presented the cooperation with Yemeni ports since 1992.  The guests made an inspection tour of the institute, which included a visit to the simulator complex of cranes, trucks, laboratories, marine and engineering workshops.
At the end of the visit, Prof. Dr. Alaa Mahmoud Morsi, Dean of the Institute presented the Institute’s shield to Dr. Muhammad Alawi Amrazba. The Yemeni delegation expressed its appreciation for the visit and for the training capabilities it witnessed. Ports training is an Arab expert house specialized in the field of training and qualifying marine workers, and YGAPC is looking forward to joint cooperation to qualify and train the cadres and staff working at the Port of Aden.


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