Aden, Yemen booked.net

Minutes of a meeting under the sponsorship of his Excellency the Minister of Transport, and the Governor of Aden to Agree on Actions to be taken to Resolve the Strike at the ACT:

June 11, 2010

The following points were Agreed:

1.To Increase the wages of workers in such a way that neither the company nor the workers are compromised, increases to be effective from one month after the board meeting of the Joint Venture company due to be held in mid-June 2010.

2.Medical care coverage for the families of workers is to be provided by the JV.

3.To stop deductions from the workers’ salaries that were taken in accordance with regulations being enforced, taking into account the humanitarian rights of the workers, and to return the deducted amounts for those who were unfairly affected by that procedure

4.To address work injuries sustained at the ACT at the expense of the company and to provide a solution for the worker Saleh Mohsen Hussein Al-Garo who lost his leg,such as supplying a prosthetic leg.

5.To continue the training and qualification programme for Yemeni employees.

6.To return the amounts deducted from workers’salaries because of the strike action.

7.To return all workers, without exception, to their jobs and to implement all the articles of these minutes as signed.

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