Aden, Yemen booked.net

The Port of Aden regains transshipment business

November 10, 2014

Captain / Abdullah Ibrahim Abkar – the Executive Chairman - Chairman of the Board of Directors at YGAPC and Eng. Moh’d Abdul Wasa the General Manager of Aden Port Development Company and a number of its staff have received the giant container ship Ever Logic of Evergreen Shipping Line

with a length of 335 meters and a tonnage of 8452 TEU, which berthed at ACT on Sunday, Nov. 9, 2014 to discharge transit containers to neighboring ports. This visit is considered the beginning of regaining container transshipment business to the Port of Aden after the interruption that has lasted for nearly five years..

In his statement, Captain / Abdullah Ibrahim Abkar pointed out that the return of transshipment business to the Port of Aden is considered a practical confirmation of shipping companies confidence of the capabilities of the Port of Aden, he also mentioned that the Corporation continues to communicate with a number of companies that have shown, in principle, its willingness to use the Port of Aden for handling transit containers, which in turn will gradually lead to increased activity. In the same context, the Executive chairman emphasized that the implementation of the expansion and deepening project, on which an agreement was signed between YGAPC and the Chinese company, is considered a prerequisite and of a strategic importance for the Port of Aden to become an important major center for transit containers at the Red Sea, the Arabian Sea and East Africa. The Port of Aden would join world-class ports in terms of the capabilities and capacities after the implementation of this important and strategic project and will be able to receive the largest container ships worldwide.

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