Aden, Yemen booked.net

The Minister of Transport First Visit to Aden Container Terminal

January 4, 2016

The new Minister of Transport Mr. / Murad Al-halmi paid an inspection visit on January 3, 2016 to Aden Container Terminal together with the Ministry Undersecretary for financial and administrative sector Dr. Al-khader Al-Fukaish.The Minister was received by the Executive Chairman of YGAPC,

,Chairman of Board of Directors of Aden Port Development Company Mr. / Mohammed Alawi Omzarbah and the acting Director General of APDC Mr./ Aref Al-Shaabi and a number of managers at the terminal. The Minister was briefed on the progress of work at the terminal and the performance of services and operations. He listened to a detailed explanation on the current activities and the future strategic plans, including the difficulties and obstacles facing the terminal now, especially being the only terminal at the Republic of Yemen to receive and handle containers. The Minister commended the role played by Aden Development Company Management and staff, especially during the aggressive war, praising the level of administrative discipline, which serves as a good example for the rest vital facilities in the city. The Executive Chairman of the Corporation Mr./ Mohammed Alawi Omzarbah expressed his thanks for the Ministry's attention regarding the implementation of the strategic plans that include modernization, development and deepening of the port. The importance of these projects lies in increasing the traffic and commercial activity in Aden and the rest of governorates in the Republic.

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