Aden, Yemen booked.net

Intensive efforts to approve rehabilitation projects in the Port of Aden

July 5, 2017

In the context of the general orientation of the local authorities in the interim capital of Aden to re-normalize the service conditions and improve the services of the port of Aden,

a meeting was held on the afternoon of July 7, 2017, at the governorate's headquarters. The meeting was attended by the governorate undersecretaries, Dr. Rashad Shaya and Eng. Ghassan Zamki, Mr. Mohamed Alawi Amzerba, the Executive Chairman of YGAPC and Fahad Mashbak, the Director General  of Ma'alla District.

The meeting discussed many issues related to the effects of the war on some of the facilities of the port and the existing need for rehabilitation and restoration of the structures and the roofs of a number of storage sheds at the quay of Ma'alla , in addition to the maintenance and re-operation of the wharf gantry cranes, maintenance and rehabilitation of truck traffic roads, as well as the rehabilitation of the technical department building.

The meeting came out with an agreement to give priority to meeting these needs and submit an integrated report by the Chairman of the Board of Directors of YGAPC to the Governor of Aden, Mr.Abdul Aziz Al-Muflhi for approving these projects and giving them priority in  implementation for the public interest in developing the activity and work of the port.

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